24. Moreover, as for this diversity of appearnaces, which represents
relative truth, not even one of these appearances is actually created in
reality, and so accordingly they disappear again.
All things, all phenomenal existence, everything within Samsara and Nirvana, are merely
appearances (or phenomena) which are perceived by the individual’s single
nature of the mind.
On any particular occasion, when your own (internal) mind-stream
undergoes changes, then there will arise appearances which you will perceive as
external changes.
And , moreover, all of the beings inhabiting the six realms of rebirth
perceive everything with their own distinct karmic vision.
25.The Tirthikas who are outsiders see all this in terms of the dualism
of eternalism as against nihilism.
Each of the nine
successive vehicles sees things in terms of its own view.
Thus, things are perceived in various different ways and may be
elucidated in various different ways.
Because you grasped at these various (appearances that arise), becoming
attached to them, errors have come into existence.
Yet with respect to all of these appearances of which you are aware in
your mind, even though these appearances that you perceive do arise, if you do
not grasp at them, then that is Buddhahood.
再者,現象界的森羅萬象是相對性的存在,事實上沒有一樣在實相界是真實發生的, 因此它也會跟著相對地消失。
因為你執取這些種種不斷生起的現象,對它們產生貪愛,這些無明的現象就變成真實的存在。但是你的心如果對這些升起的現象有所覺知, 即使這些被你感知到的現象真的生起, 只要你對它們不執著不緊緊執取, (能讓它隨著因緣生滅),你就能成為像佛陀一樣的覺醒者了。