2019年9月24日 星期二



27.Because of the unobstructed nature of the mind, there is a continuous arising of appearances, like the waves and the aters of the ocean, which are not two(different things),whatever arises is liberated into the natural state of the mind.

However many different names are applied to it in this unceasing process of naming things, with respect to its real meaning, the mind (of the individual )does not exist other than as one.

And, moreover, this singularity is without any foundation and devoid of any root.

But, even though it is one, you cannot look for it in any particular direction.

It cannot be seen as an entity located somewhere, because it is not created or made by anything.

Nor can it be seen as just being empty, because there exists the transparent radiance of its own luminous clarity and awareness.

Nor can it be seen as diversified, because emptiness and clarity are inseparable.

Immediate self-awareness is clear and present.

Even though activities exist, there is no awareness of an agent who is the actor.

Even though they are without any inherent nature, experiences are actually experienced.

If you practice in this way, then everything will be liberated.

With respect to your own sense of faculties, everything will be understood immediately without any intervening operations of the intellect.

Just as is the case with the sesame seed being the cause of the oil and the milk being the cause of butter, but where the oilis not obtained without pressing and the butter is not obtainded without churning, so all sentient being, even though they possess the actual essence of Buddhahood, will not realize Buddhahood without engaging in practice.

If he practices, then even a cowherd can realize liberation.

Even though he does not know the explanation, he can systematically establish himself in the experience of it.

(For example) when one has had the experience of actually tasting sugar in one’s own mouth, one does not need to have that taste explained by someone else.

Not understanding this (intrinsic awareness), even Panditas can fall into error.

Even though they are exceedingly learned and knowledgeable in explaining the nine vehicles, it will only be like spreading rumors of places which they have not seen personally.

And with respect to Buddhahood, they will not even approach it for a moment.

If you understand (intrinsic awareness), all of your merits and sins will be liberated into their own condition.

But if you do not understand it, any virtuous or vicious deeds that you commit will accumulate as karma leading to transmigration in heavenly rebirth or to rebirth in the evil destinies respectively.

But if you understand this empty primal awareness which is your own mind, the consequences of merit and of sin will never come to be realized, just as a spring cannot originate in the empty sky.

In the state of emptiness itself, the object of merit or of sin is not even created.

Therefore, your own manifest self-awareness comes to see everything nakedly.

This self-liberation through seeing with naked awareness is of such great profundity, And , this being so, you should become intimately acquainted with self-awareness.

Profoundly sealed!


雖然有各種不同的名相嘗試要為這不斷生滅的現象定義或命名,就真實的意義而言, (各別的)心並非是離開整體的一"而單獨存在。




















28.How wonderful!

As for this “Self-Liberation through Seeing with Naked Awareness” which is a direct introduction to one’s own intrinsic awareness, it is for the benefit of those sentient beings belonging to the later generations of those future degenerate time.

That all of my Tantras, Agamas, and Upadesas,

Though necessarily brief and concise, have been composed.




2019年9月23日 星期一



26.Appearances are not erroneous in themselves, but because of your grasping at them, errors come into existence.

But if you know that these thoughts only grasp at things which are mind, then they will be liberated by themselves.

Everything that appears is but a manifestation of mind.

Even though the entire external inanimate universe appears to you, it is but a manifestation of mind.

Even though all of the sentient beings of the six realms appear to you they are but a manifestation of mind.

Even though the happiness of humans and the delights of the Devas in heaven appear to you, they are but manifestations of mind.

Even though the sorrows of the three evil destinies appear to you, they are but manifestations of mind.

Even though the five poisons representing ignorance and the passions appear to you, they are but manifestations of mind.

Even though intrinsic awareness which is self-originated primal awareness appears to you, it is but a manifestation of mind.

Even though good thoughts along the way to Nirvana appear to you, they are but manifestations of mind.

Even though obstacles due to demons and evil spirits appears to you, they are but manifestations of mind.

Even though the gods and other excellent attainments appear to you, they are but manifestations of mind.

Even though various kinds of purity appear to you, they are but manifestations of mind.


ven though (the experience) of remaining in a state of one-pointed concentration without any discursive thoughts appears to you, it is but a manifestation of mind.

Even though the colors that are the characteristics of things appear to you, they are but manifestations of mind.

Even though a state without characteristics and without conceptual elaborations appears to you, it is but a manifestation of mind.

Even though the nonduality of the one and the many appears to you, it is but a manifestation of mind.

Even though existence and non-existence which are not created anywhere appear to you, they are but manifestations of mind.

There exist no appearances whatsoever that can be understood as not coming from mind.






















從去年暑假右膝持續疼痛不穩定,期間以推拿及整骨方式調整了半年,時好時壞。有時拉拉筋練練核心好像又鬆些,練拳劍一旦用力就又緊繃。反反覆覆。還好,好友芳如及淑珠提醒,去西醫做了檢查,抽關節積水,照X光MRI,才知道是前十字韌帶斷裂合併半月板破裂,而且是兩腳都斷(應該是花蓮車禍時已斷裂而沒有發覺)。短期內強度高的練習偏重右側,問題才提前呈現在右膝。難怪長期以來單腳站立總是難以平衡。知道問題之後,就是一連串的整復計畫: 打PRP,短波及電療針灸止痛,復健運動,矯正床下肢訓練。每天自己熱敷按摩膝蓋周圍肌肉,睡前腳綁沙包練腿力,配合橫膈膜式呼吸啟動身體核心穩定機制。運動的強度大幅減低,只保留游泳及簡單的瑜珈伸展,瑜珈輪核心練習。今年一月以來3次的PRP注射療程,從4月開始半年的復健計畫,自己耐心安靜地配合著復健老師的療程,恢復還算良好。


段蟄養傷期間,因為受傷而變得謙卑:身體無常變化,不是人定勝天地強制運動。因為受傷 自己受限的身體嘗試各種不同練習的方式,就像神農嚐百草一般,有時覺得自己多災多難的肉體,好像每受一次傷,就又更瞭解一塊身體的拼圖。只希望自己受傷復健的過程,所有衛教的知識與學習,都能化為道用,整合到自己『不傷害AHIMSA』的教學中…......



24. Moreover, as for this diversity of appearnaces, which represents relative truth, not even one of these appearances is actually created in reality, and so accordingly they disappear again.
All things, all phenomenal existence, everything  within Samsara and Nirvana, are merely appearances (or phenomena) which are perceived by the individual’s single nature of the mind.
On any particular occasion, when your own (internal) mind-stream undergoes changes, then there will arise appearances which you will perceive as external changes.
And , moreover, all of the beings inhabiting the six realms of rebirth perceive everything with their own distinct karmic vision.

25.The Tirthikas who are outsiders see all this in terms of the dualism of eternalism as against nihilism.
Each of the nine successive vehicles sees things in terms of its own view.
Thus, things are perceived in various different ways and may be elucidated in various different ways.
Because you grasped at these various (appearances that arise), becoming attached to them, errors have come into existence.
Yet with respect to all of these appearances of which you are aware in your mind, even though these appearances that you perceive do arise, if you do not grasp at them, then that is Buddhahood.

再者,現象界的森羅萬象是相對性的存在,事實上沒有一樣在實相界是真實發生的, 因此它也會跟著相對地消失。

因為你執取這些種種不斷生起的現象,對它們產生貪愛,這些無明的現象就變成真實的存在。但是你的心如果對這些升起的現象有所覺知, 即使這些被你感知到的現象真的生起, 只要你對它們不執著不緊緊執取, (能讓它隨著因緣生滅),你就能成為像佛陀一樣的覺醒者了。