22. To desire something other than this is just like
having an elephant(at home), but searching for its tracks elsewhere.
Even though you may try to measure the universe with a
tape measure, it will not be possible to encompass all of it.
(Similarly) if you do not understand that everything
derives from the mind, it will not be possible for you to attain Buddhahood.
By not recognizing this (intrinsic awareness for what it
is ), you will then search for your mind somewhere outside of yourself.
If you seek for yourself elsewhere(outside of yourself),
how can you ever find yourself?
For example, this is just like an idiot who, going into a
crowd of many people,, and having let himself become confused because of the
spectacle, does not recognize himself; and , even though he searches for
himself everywhere, he continually makes the error of mistaking others for
(Similarly)since you do not see the natural condition of
the real disposition of thing, you do not know that appearances come from mind,
and so you are thrust once again into Samsara.
By not seeing that your own mind is actually the Budda,
Nirvana becomes obscured.
With respect to Samsara and Nirvana, (the difference is
simply due) to ignorance or to awareness respectively.
But at this single instant (of pure awareness), there is
in fact no actual difference between them(in terms of their essence).
If you come to perceive them as existing somewhere other
than in your own mind, this is surely an error.
(Therefore) error and non-error are actually of a single
essence(which is the nature of the mind)
Since the mind-streams of sentient beings are not made
into something that is divided into two, the unmodified uncorrected nature of
the mind is liberated by its being allowed simply to remain in its own
(original) natural condition.
If you are not aware that the fundamental error or
delusion comes from the mind, you will not properly understand the real meaning
of the Dharmata (the nature of reality).
同樣的,如果你看不清楚萬物真正本來的狀態,你就不會明白現象是由你自己的心性顯相變化而來的,你就會再次地落入娑婆世界。由於不明白你的自心就是佛心, 涅槃就會變得遙不可及。