2018年11月16日 星期五



17. Then, as for the instruction for exhausting the six extremes and overthrowing them: even though there exist a great many different views that do not agree among themselves, this “mind” which is your own intrinsic awareness is in fact self-originated primal awareness.

And with regard to this, the observer and the process of observing are not two(different things).

When you look and observe, seeking the one who is looking and observing, since you search for this observer and do not find him, at that time your view is exhausted and overthrown. Thus, even though it is the end of your view, this is the beginning with respect to yourself. The view and the one who is viewing are not found to exist anywhere.

Without its falling excessively into emptiness and non-existence even at the beginning, at this very moment your own present awareness becomes lucidly clear.

Just this is the view (or the way of seeing) of the Great Perfection.

(Therefore) understanding and not understanding are not two(different things).


17.  以下是關於六種邊見的辯證反駁及開示:



觀照者(能觀)與這觀照的發生過程(所觀)並不是兩件不同的事 (是一體的,不二的)

觀照(仔細專注地觀察)時,試著去尋思: 正在觀照?當你想要知道是誰正在觀照時(能觀),就在當下,腦海中所正在進行的思考念想(所觀)就自然而然地停止。在妄念止息的當下,你就開始進入覺性。事實上是沒有被觀照的對象(所觀)與能觀照的主人(能觀)的分別。





18. Although there exist a great many different meditations that do not agree among themselves, your own ordinary present awareness is directly penetrating.
The process of meditation and the one who meditates are not two (different things).
When you look for the meditator who is meditating or not meditating, since you have searched for this meditator and have not found him anywhere, at that time your meditation is exhausted and overthrown. Thus, even though it is the end of your meditation, this is the beginning with respect to yourself.  The meditation and the meditator are not found to exist anywhere.
Without its falling under the power of delusion, drowsiness, or agitation, your immediate unfabricated awareness becomes lucidly clear, and this unmodified state of even contemplation is concentration. (Therefore) remaining in a calm state or not remaining in it are not two (different things).


18.  儘管有很多靜坐冥想的禪修方式(靜態禪修)彼此非常不同,你自己當下的覺性是遍滿,無所不在的。



因為當下沒有陷入妄想,昏沉,與躁動之中,這完全沒有造作的覺性是清明的, 而這沒有任何造作的靜定冥想狀態就是”(專注,奢摩他)。所以在本覺中是沒有能修所修的分別。


