7.Within this (intrinsic awareness), the Trikaya are inseparable and
fully present as one.
Since it is empty and not created anywhere whatsoever, it is The
Since its luminous clarity represents the inherent transparent radiance
of emptiness, it is the Sambhogakaya.
Since its arising is nowhere obstructed or interrupted, it is the Nirmanakaya.
These three(the Trikaya)being complete and fully present as one, are
its very essence.
How can you then speak of not understanding the nature of the mind? Moreover, since you are meditating without finding anything there to mediate upon, how can you say that your meditation does not go well?
Since your own manifest intrinsic awareness is just this, how can you
say that you cannot find your own mind?
The mind is just that which is thinking:
And yet, although you have searched (for the thinker),how can you say
that you do not find him?
With respect to this, nowhere does there exist the one who is the cause
of (mental)activity. And yet, since activity exists, how can you say that such
activity does not arise?
Since merely allowing(thoughts)
to settle into their own condition, without trying to modify them in any way,
is sufficient, how can you say that you are not able to remain in a calm state?
Since allowing (thoughts) to be
just as they are, without trying to do anything about them, is sufficient, how
can you say that you are not able to do anything with regard to them?
Since clarity, awareness, and emptiness are inseparable and are
spontaneously self-perfected, how can you say that nothing is accomplished by
your practice?
Since (intrinsic awareness) is self-originated and spontaneously
self-perfected without any antecedent causes or conditions, how can you say
that you are not able to accomplish anything by your efforts?
Since the arising of discursive thoughts and their being liberated
occur simultaneously, how can you say that you are unable to apply an antidote?
Since your own immediate awareness is just this, how can you say that
you do not know anything with regard to it?
既然本覺就只是這樣(如是), 你怎能說你並不清楚明白自己的覺性呢?